Why are there different spellings for Scandinavian patronymics? Jackson Crawford gives the short answer.
Ancient Swan Shamanism
From Andrew Collins at Ancient Origins. “The idea that the human soul might take the form of a swan to journey from this world to the next could be one of the oldest fundamental beliefs of human kind, or so suggests a new discovery from the 420,000-year-old cave site of Qesem near Tel Aviv in…
Colorado’s Mesa Verde
From Kevin Simpson at The Colorado Sun: When Swedish researcher Gustaf Nordenskiöld arrived at Mesa Verde in 1890 and surveyed the ancient cliff dwellings, he seemed to have the best of intentions. But his subsequent efforts to meticulously — and urgently — unearth and catalog the human remains and artifacts of the tribes who once inhabited…
Scandinavian Maps
“Here are several videos that track the rise and fall of states in Scandinavia during the medieval period.“ Medievalists.net, How the borders of Scandinavia changed in the Middle Ages <medievalists.net.
Stephen Luce on a Jury
Stephen Luce (1801-1872) served on a grand jury in Salt Lake City in 1858. There’s an interesting story there. This was at the end of the Utah War. Stephen had served in the re-activated Nauvoo Legion. He appears on a 20 July 1857 muster roll as Sgt. Stephen Luce, 3rd Platoon, Company B, of the…