They found it. Or more accurately, they’ve decided what they found in 1979 really is it. I’m talking about a mass grave at Repton in Derbyshire. The experts have solved a dating problem. Now it seems very likely the bodies are from the Great Heathen Army. Here’s the short version. In 865 vikings from coming…
Category: Genealogy
Genealogical Narrative
I read a fun paper last night. Fun because of the way it conceptualizes “genealogy”. For me, method and technique are always more interesting than mere facts. “Genealogies are not institutions or even families. Genealogies are components of rhetoric about families and, sometimes, about the institutions they lay claim to.” And, “In the case of…
Compare a Face
Which Ancestor Do You Look Like? Use Compare-a-Face at Looks like I need to upload more family photos. “Unfortunately, there are no menu links to this Family History Activities section of the website. You can most easily find it by doing a Google search for FamilySearch activities. A link to the Activities page is also…
You’re Descended from Royalty
Everyone is descended from royalty. It’s just the way it works. At this point this fact should be so well known the universal reaction should be a yawn. But somehow the news hasn’t reached a lot of researchers. So, worth another post. Adam Rutherford wrote about this recently. He starts off, “Charlemagne, Carolingian King of…
Cousin Baiting
I love the title of this blog post. “Cousin Baiting: What is It, Should You Do It?“, at Occasional Genealogist <>, January 2017. A zillion years ago, so say maybe about 2007 or 2008, there was an article somewhere about “Cousin Bait”. I wish I could find it again. It was my first introduction to…