I don’t have any known Gunn ancestry but I got interested in them a lifetime ago. Someone at the Family History Center in Salt Lake City suggested the Swanstroms, if they were originally Scottish, might have been Gunns. Actually, I think the idea was that the Swanstroms absolutely, positively had to be Gunns for a…
Category: Genealogy
A Phantom Margaret Luce
I don’t know how to understand how these fables have developed. The introductory problem is that some researchers attribute Abraham Luce and Cycely (Darke) Luce with a daughter Margaret. Parish records for Horton, the home of this family, show Abraham and Cycely were married in 1604 and had children Abraham (1605), Israel (1605), and John…
Human Terrain
I’m fascinated by this graphic way of viewing the size and spatial relationship of the world’s cities. I live right there in Denver but I was born in Laramie, which is that little spike up there to the left of Cheyenne. Try it yourself: Human Terrain: Visualizing the World’s Population, in 3D. You should see…
Research Resources
Life is easier when you have an list of links to the sources you use most often, or so says Thomas MacEntee. This is mine. I had it started before I watched his 2011 webinar. One of these I’ll come back and do some polishing. Now, I’m moving it back offline. Quick Links Geni FamilySearch…
Ragnar Lodbrok
I have a special affection for Ragnar, but not for the reasons you’d think. I’m a volunteer curator at Geni.com, but several years ago I got thrown out of the site by another curator, Anette. We have a Ragnar Lodbrog project at Geni, as you might expect. Anette started the project. A bunch of us…