My mother and sister Laura have had their applications approved to join Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR). They’ll be sworn in on April 6th. This has been in process for quite a while now. We have a couple dozen ancestors they could have used, but they’ve held out for James Kenney, a horse breeder…
Category: Genealogy
20 Reasons Why You Should Write Your Family History
With the full majesty of the New York Public Library, one of my favorite spots on Earth, here are 20 Reasons Why You Should Write Your Family History by Carmen Nigro, Managing Research Librarian, Milstein Division of U.S. History, Local History & Genealogy, Stephen A. Schwarzman Building (February 9, 2015). When I lived in New…
Luce Brands
My great grandfather Wilford Luce was a rancher near Big Piney, Wyoming. I came across this little clipping I pulled from the local paper back in the days when brands were recorded at the county level and published periodically as an aid to identification and protection. Grandpa Luce worked for A. W. Smith on the…
Good-bye, Mormons
When my Mormon ancestors joined the church and moved west their neighbors weren’t sorry to see them go. It was even worth a poem to celebrate them leaving. good bye to Mr. Hale, Good by to Mr. Ball,good bye to Mr. Woodruff, the greatest one of all.good bye to all the Deacons good bye to…
Diary of Wilford Woodruff
The diaries and other writings of Wilford Woodruff are now online. That might be exciting news for me but as a non-Mormon I’m not sure I’ll be allowed to access them. I’m descended from the Luce family, who were converted by Woodruff on his mission to the Fox Islands. They named a baby for him….