For years I’ve only thought about all the missteps along the way, but lately I look at FamilySearch and it’s among…
Author: Justin Durand
Three Ancestral Tribes
Everywhere you look these days the population genetics folks are talking about three populations. Wait, what? I must have missed something. I thought there were only two populations in Europe. The older hunter gatherers who were the original population from the Paleolithic, or Old Stone Age, and the newer invaders who overran them in the…
From an upcoming paper on genetics. This should be headline news:
From an upcoming paper on genetics. This should be headline news:
Was it possible to be an atheist in the days before the Enlightenment?
Was it possible to be an atheist in the days before the Enlightenment?
Scots in Colonial New England
So often we equate New England almost exclusively with the English. Of course, there were Dutch in Manhattan, Swedes in Delaware, Germans and Welsh in Pennsylvania, but New England was the English. Right? Mostly, but there were also a few Scots here and there. Maybe most notably some Scots taken prisoner by English and deported…