Back in 2003 I was one of three founding members of the American Heraldry Society, with David Boven and Cory McHenry. Those were the days. As I recall, the Society grew out of discussions in an online forum. One of the usenet groups, I think. Probably rec.heraldry. In the beginning David was our President, I…
Author: Justin Durand
Interview with Grandma Hazel
The other day on someone contacted me about a cassette they found in an old camcorder at a garage sale in Laramie. The tape turned out to be an interview my Aunt Bunny did with her mother, my grandfather’s wife, in 2005. What a wonderful find. I had no idea the tape existed. Neither…
Hazel Mary Howery nee Alloway March 13th 2005 Laramie, Wyoming
Hazel Mary Howery nee Alloway March 13th 2005 Laramie, Wyoming
Population Replacement
DNA research is exploding established history everywhere we look. When I was growing up, everyone assumed that modern humans moved into Europe from the Middle East, spread out, and stayed. So, for us, history was pretty much invasions where different peoples took over new land, and (probably) exterminated or enslaved everyone who lived there before….
Fictitious Habsburg Genealogies
Genealogists today often think of genealogy as a search for the truth about family relationships and history. But, for our royal and noble ancestors genealogy was something different. It was a two-pronged propaganda campaign. One goal was to prove they were an ancient and distinguished family. The other goal was to prove that they were…